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Jean-Francois Millet Etchings

Jean-Francois Millet, a founding father of the Barbizon School of Art during the middle 1800s in France, is best known for his treatment of the everyday life of French peasant farmers - putting together, for the first time, rural landscapes that also included people as subjects. Jean-Francois Millet’s artwork, although sometimes criticized and maligned at the time, became quite popular. Millet himself was even made a member of the Paris Salon Jury, a group that had previously rejected more than one work of Millet art.

We've obtained a number of high quality Jean-Francois Millet etchings that have been produced by various artists after the Millet paintings. These Millet prints are wonderful examples of Millet works, faithfully executed by artists including Delauney, E. Bolvin, Charles Courtry, La Guillermie and Edmond Hédouin.